Feed-a-Bale – Specifications
Key Information
Feed-a-Bale is a simple attachment enabling baled straw to be distributed straight in to TMR mixer wagons and thereby significantly reduce mixing times and running costs, along with wear and tear.
The equipment can also distribute baled straw, hay, haylage and alfalfa / Lucerne from along feed fences.
Feed-a-Bale can be fitted on all Spread-a-Bale machines dating back to 2001, both M Range and SBL Range, and is available in two sizes.
The Mini/Midi/SBL100 Feed-a-Bale weighs 28kg and folds down in two sections. When not required for feeding, it folds up on top of the machine in the stored position, a process that takes less than one minute to change from stored to feeding, without the use of any tools.
The Maxi/SBL125 Feed-a-Bale weighs 30kg and similarly folds down in two sections.
Optional Extras
Feed-a-Bale folding hood: a universal extra that can be retro fitted on to any Spread-a-Bale machine.
Feed-a-Bale fixed hood: dedicated to feeding bales, fitted with slower hydraulic motors with higher torque. Suitable for green energy/recycling and large scale-operators with feed lots.
Contact sales@spread-a-bale.com for further information and a demonstration